TechNav is a feature of MATTERS, developed in collaboration with the MITRE Corporation, which aggregates and maps innovation data across Massachusetts' technology sectors. Each tech sector profile is compiled using publicly available federal grant and patent data, as well as proprietary employment, company location, and start-up data. Together this data creates an asset map of technology sectors across the Commonwealth, providing an in-depth view quantifying how each sector is innovating, attracting talent, receiving grants, and growing. Each sector has an independent research institution, academic institution, or knowledge partner curator who ensures the data is cleaned and accurate.

Unlike other features of MATTERS that are available for all users, TechNav access is reserved for use exclusively by Mass. High Tech Council members, program partners, and sponsors.

Mass. High Tech Council members in good standing can access TechNav by clicking the link below:


If you have a specific inquiry, or would like to pursue membership in the Council, please contact andrew@mhtc.org.